Wednesday, February 2, 2011

More on New Technology

Everyone wants to have the latest and the greatest in technology. But what about when the hype exceeds the benefits? Lets start with the fall detectors. We are getting more and more calls for them as some of our competitors advertise them aggressively. If you can read the fine print, the units work 90+ % of the time, so many build in a push button anyway. Our customer experience on the fall detectors stands at 100%. We have returned 100% of the units clients ordered, and exchanged them for old fashioned tried and true waterproof buttons. Clients complained the fall detectors we bought false were too sensitive and false activated too many times. Clients reported "life was hell" with the buttons. We will continue to test all available products in anticipation of the day, that they work as advertised. Caveat emptor. We have completely pulled these off the shelves.
A second new trend we see is incorporating the microphone and speakerphone into the wearable button. We believe, one vendor, has finally gotten this correct. But, the button is still 5X bigger than our standard button, the battery life is months instead of years, it is pricier...and lastly how many seniors are living in 8-10,000 square foot homes. Our standard unit covers a 3500 sq. ft.
house easily, and its reliability has been proven for 25+ years. We have these units in stock in case you live in a castle.
What we do need. More and more of our clients are switching phone services to VOIP, cable companies, or giving up landlines. We are waiting for our manufacturers to deliver a reliable system that works via GSM cellular at a reasonable cost for our senior clients. We remind our manufacturers of this regularly, but we are still waiting. I can only speculate the manufacturers don't think the market size is sufficient to spend the money to build one.
We are now handling a mobile 911 phone for emergency use. It is not a fancy full featured phone, rather quite simple. It only does one thing, it dials 911. It is not designed to replace our medical alarms, as it is not small, waterproof, no long life battery...etc.
Please visit our website for further information.


John said...
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John said...

This is very informative on the new medical alarm technology. Your post really hits on the fact of how important reliable technology is for seniors. Yes, bells and whistles can be fun, but not at the cost of basic reliable function.

Unknown said...

Thanks for your information about medical alert system and you are right there are various type of medical alert products in market and medical alert telephone is one of the best device according to me.

Andrew said...

medical alert is the latest technology to secure our elderly while they live alone at home. It helps to protect them 24 hours.

Medical Alarms For Elderly