Sunday, October 5, 2008

Medical Alarm / Customer Testimonials

One of the blessings of the medical alarm business is hearing from clients expressing their appreciation for our services. Its a special business ...saving lives while making a living. We are responsible for saving peoples lives on a daily basis, and we are so busy with the details of running our business, that we don't take the time to solicit referrals. But I can tell you, our staff is very appreciative of hearing the success stories. When I first got involved in the medical alarm business, I visited with my good friend Art Hoffman, of Berkeley, CA who has been in the medical alert business for decades. Art showed me a drawer full of letters that his satisfied clients, had sent to him after his clients pressed their buttons and utilized his services. I was impressed. Today, I've learned it comes with the territory in the medical alert business. After their emergency is under control, we get many calls, e-mails, and letters of appreciation from clients and loved ones. Even when the equipment is returned to us after completion of service, it is often accompanies with a note expressing gratitude for providing family members and loved ones peace of mind. So on behalf of my staff and myself, Thanks and please keep those letters coming. By the way, sometimes we do post these letter to freshen up our website. If you are a current client and want to express your gratitude just call our testimonial hotline at 800 609 9006 extension 3333.