Sunday, September 30, 2007

Medical Alert Bracelets

Medical Alert Bracelets have two distinct types. The first is a piece of jewelry that identifies the wearer as having a significant medical problem, or serious allergy. This might warn a would be rescuer that the patient has an artificial heart valve or is allergic to penicillin. The second medical alert bracelet is an electronic bracelet, like a wrist watch with a help button . When the button is pressed, an alarm mechanism is activated and help is summoned.

This article is about the electronic bracelet type. The medical alert bracelet is designed so that the wearer can call for help anytime, if they fall, experience chest discomfort, or need attention. These devices should be waterproof, so the user can take the wrist bracelet into the shower or bath tub. Most of the devices contain batteries which will power the devices for several years, but they should be tested at least monthly. Our batteries last ten years or 50-100,000 pushes.

Our company provides these bracelets, but I typically advise clients to consider wearing a neck pendant instead of the wristband. My logic is simple. Imagine you are wearing the wrist bracelet on your left wrist. You fall, and hurt your right arm, rendering it temporarily numb. Now, try and deploy the button on you wrist band. To simulate this, put your right hand behind your back. If you are like most people, you can't press the button unless you have a real pointy nose! So my choice would be the more reliable one... the neck pendant. People ask me why we even offer to provide the wrist bracelet. Here is my answer. One of our largest customers is the Veterans Administration. Many of our VA clients served in the US Marine Corps in WWII and find it effeminate to wear a neck pendant. So for our beloved leathernecks, if you want it, you got it! Just don't blame me you can't press the button.

I strongly recommend the neck pendant. The chain we provide is hypo-allergenic, so the client can wear the pendant 24/7 without a skin reaction. It should be worn continuously and the pendant is waterproof so it can be worn in the shower or tub. The pendant employs the same ten year battery as our wrist bracelet, but should still be tested monthly. When the button is deployed, the button activates our special super-amplified speaker- phone which calls our monitoring center. Within 45 seconds one of our trained operators will speak with the client over the speaker-phone. If help is required, we dispatch assistance promptly.

Whatever button you chose, be sure to wear it, and test it monthly. More information about our systems can be found at or calling (800) 274-8274


Ruth said...

Instead of the medical alert bracelet, I recommend the Just5 cell phone. I let my mom drop her medical bracelet and get this phone instead. She is being helped by this phone during emergencies in just a press of a button. It even is perfect for her as it can function anywhere she goes. I found this great phone at

Anonymous said...

There are many benefits of medical alert bracelets. With the help of it the monitoring team will easily come to know about the problem if arise and proper medical aid can be provided in less time to safe you. I have bought it for my grandmother as she is suffering from diabetes and proper observation can be kept on her.
medical jewelry